Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oiy with the snowy owl already....

Went out to see the SNOWY OWL again. It was a very windy, overcast day. Kristel and I found it in the field it was in the last time we saw it. A little closer to the road, but hunkered down pretty good. Still tough to get a picture. Still had to zoom all the way in (18x). Here is one of the better ones.

Also, we saw an AMERICAN KESTREL on the way back. Kristel had never seen one of these afore. Here is some blurry photographic evidence....

So all in all, it was a pretty good day. We'll try again to get a closer picture of the owl sometime soon. Also, earlier in the week, we heard a couple of GREAT HORNED OWLS calling back and forth to each other in our neighborhood. I've never seen one of those afore. Maybe I should go all Survivorman in the neighborhood and try to see it. Of course the neighbors would call the police.....again.

That is all....
P dub

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